education & security for the benefit of all
More than anything, security is about people
We help businesses train and educate their users and IT proffessionals using the most comprehensive security awareness, talent discovery and skills development program in the marketplace. Powered by gamification and AI, we help build skilled teams that train every day to be the best they can be in their job. Professionals train every day, and who doesn't want to be a PRO?
In the end, how well we are able to protect our valuable assets, all comes down to people. Can we expect people never make mistakes? Of course not, but we CAN reduce the risk significantly by enabling people to make sound decisions when it comes to security. Exactly how aware are people already - and how to make a program that actually works based on the answer?
This can be quite a hard nut to crack! But we know how to crack it and we'll help you get it done. According to a recent survey, 96% of respondents affirm that security awareness training and simulated phishing change security culture for the better.
Different usergroups need different targeted messaging and training for them to be engaged and inspired for the training to be valuable. Not too short, not too long (and boring), but just right! Selecting the right strategy and tools will make a big difference on the success of a security awareness program.
The most common question we get about KnowBe4 Security Awareness is about the different subscription levels. Here is a complete overview.
Everybody need challenges to grow and stay up to date on their craft. Neglected specialists who's competencies are not cared for, will soon start looking for challenges elsewhere. Unfortunately, in many cases, the grass is really greener on the other side.
Do you think courses are dull and boring? Take a look at how we do it!
IT and cyber security specialists will need extremely advanced forms of training not only to remain on top of their game, but to be interested in the first place and see the value of training. Leaving the workplace for weeks at the time to get trained simply does not cut it anymore. What is the true cost of training that is soon forgotten?
Surely we can do better!
Let's face it; without regular training no one will be good at what they do. We all know that we really should practice, we think about it and even plan for it, but the fact is almost no one is doing it. Why? Sure, it takes a bit of time to plan and set up an exercise, but maybe the biggest problem is that the resources necessary to get started simply doesn't exist?
This is another big problem to solve (we love big problems) and one we absolutely think we can solve
To get started with exercises and setting up systems and training scenarios for a small team or the whole IT department, quite a few action must be taken: Someone has to take responsibility for selecting topics and creating scenarios and someone has to be able to measure the performance overall and individually for the exercise to have value. All this is actually not hard to do.
No doubt, the future will be more digitized, but there is no indication people are getting obsolete just yet. However, the competencies we'll need i the future are changing. What is your number one problem in IT or cyber security today we can help you solve? Is it motivation, people, training, finding talents, finding time?
An increasing skills-gap has made it a lot harder to find the right people to fill IT and security positions than ever before in history. Now, we do know that there are talents in other industry sectors than IT, but how to find them? And how do we train them quickly and efficiently?
Wow, this is a big one. But we're ready to show you how we can help solve this problem right now - today.
Traditional training has several problems. Number one, it is boring! Number two, we now know through science, why students seems to forget almost everything they have learned within days after the course. Next Generation Learning changes all this. No more powerpoints or boring lectures. Gamification, immersive high-fidelity cyber range training supported by artificial intelligence is the way of the future in IT and cyber security education.
We are working on new ways of learning based on cutting edge research and incredible technological advances, Creating a better understanding of our connected world, make people aware and able to make sound decisions when it comes to security will, in the end, be for the benefit of all.
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